I am living a lie, and at the same time, I live my truth.
There is a doubleness within me, at the same time: there is doubleness in everyone.
Becoming more out of one piece, means, un-veiling illusion.
It means, adaption to what is not, while also knowing this is necessary to undo.
Right now there is more acceptation towards both worlds.
To both me's, as there can't be love without people, there can't be G without both worlds.
What I at least try most: is to mean, whatever I do or say, even when this means,
living a lie. At least, I believe the lie I live, until the illusion is un-veiled.
Innocence, I am starting to understand the deepness of the word. It actually means,
being nothing, being no one, being blank, and at the same time Be-ing.
Be-ing is not possible without the world of people. It is thanks to this, that it comes
into being. That it can Be. So thank you people.
This night, I dreamed of someone drawing cartoons, to explain the process of Vivication in an innovative way. It was exposed in some sort of museum.
Sometimes, things, which can't be really told or understood in words, get an extra understanding
through images.
My reaction was manifold. 1. 'Good explanation!'. 2. 'Doesn't make sense, as the unexplainable
can't be explained to a normal living person. 3. Shamefulness for the process and that it takes place in general. Wanting to keep it a secret. 4. Beyond the phase of explaining. 5. Un-cool for my Facebook identity. 6. Un-acceptable for my yoga identity.
This was just a dream. Dreams per se, are already images, interpretation of the subconscious world. They are often not real. But then, reactions on a dream, what are they?
They un-veil the illusion of the illusion.
Would the world be a better place without the process of Vivication?
I am not going to explain this process.
I am not sure, as we travel always in the in between phase, where there are only the effects, without the totality of its destination. I guess we are not to see its result, even if we suffered a lot for it. I guess we only can see glimpses every now and then.
Today, I walked through the Rijksmuseum. I had to think back about a remark of a passed away friend, who I interviewed for a Magazine. He said, that the process would finally end in hundreds of years. In other words: that we never would live the results of it.
At the same time the promise many times, that I would see the results of it in this life indeed.
Yeah right. I guess, that the process is like this: when I see it, I guess, I probably don't see it. I live it and consider it the most normal thing in the world. I must say, that life is becoming more normal indeed. At the same time, the outside world, gets rather abnormal as a consequence.
I am normal.
The others are not really.
It doesn't matter.
As long as there is a difference, there is....
Then, still in my idealistic mood, I didn't want to see it this way (so long). But what if it were true? Then of what relevance is it, to walk this path, while at the same time, we are only living the effects, but not the result?
Reality = un-changeable. This doesn't mean that reality doesn't change. But it means, that even when we don't see the relevance of it, it still happens, because we have no say in this. The truth determines, not we.
I walked through the Rijksmuseum and I saw all kinds of history passing by. Things that were so well kept and preserved. It is so weird to realise that this same history will be told in a different way to my son, once he goes to school. He will learn things about places and people, that are totally unfamiliar. He'll learn it as an image and a truth. But image ain't truth. Truth is without any image.
It is so weird to see history, today and future coming together in the same time-space.
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