maandag 30 november 2015

To be Continued...

It's been a while since I wrote.
The reason why..?

I am going through different phases.
More glimpses of the real me come to surface.
They are quite fragile.
They also involve my work.

Since a week or something,
I am re-united with more happiness.
I say re-united, because I was always guided with a basic positivity.
A basic trust.

Then I lost it for some time.
I didn't recognise me in what I had become.
But now the positivity comes back,
from the inside out.

The heart opens really every once in a while.
Sometimes it closes and I keep it for myself.

In work a lot is changing. I guess in a month or more,
I am doing different stuff....
Little glimpses already show...
It's the same same, but then by far more authentic.

Since some time, I am fighting expectations of the outside world.
I don't want to be part of it.
But I know, that I will only find happiness and salvation,
when this outside world is included.

Feeling the natural flow, despite all the outside world expectations.
Trusting on a deeper walk of life, without instant reaction.

At this moment, I am more heading towards the Buddha,
than towards....I don't know if it is home. But it was a missing link.

To be Continued...


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