Since I have to survive in the real world,
I am getting deeper into the world of advertisement.
I guess this is so, to un-do it.
There is a duality in G.
On one hand, you feel, and it is said: 'This is not the world of G'.
But on the other hand, you have no other choice than to come along.
So it feels like double .... (4 letter word).
For a long time, I tried to stay out of this.
But this is only possible, when you are a trillionaire.
The only thing I have is a million dollar cornflakes.
Yesterday, I watched the movie Jobs with M.
I already saw it in the plane, but anyways....
The funny thing was: M didn't know who Jobs was, although he uses everything from ..... (5 letter word).
At least there are some people who stay blank.
Being good in business, having a nose for things that are unique and usable, and being convinced of it, no matter what, brings you further in this world.
Making an existence is the same as surviving.
1. You have to be good at what you do.
2. You have to make it unique and usable to the consumer.
3. And you have to stand your ground, no matter what,
and then you make a chance.
Then there is the message, which is about advertisement.
But I guess that first the former conditions count, otherwise all is only based upon a beautiful lie.
What I saw at Jobs is that he not only was good in what he did, but that he also stood his ground at the moments that he was challenged. The world was tough, but he was tougher. Through the reality of G, I learn now that this tough-tougher-toughest is somehow what counts in the people's world, although idealism tries to convince us otherwise.
In G. or in real life, the first 3 are already quite difficult to attain and perfection.
1. What is good? It is a relative definition and who then is better? Or, when is something good enough? - Can you make a living out of it?
2. Unique and usable - is something you work on all the time. - Does the audience understand what you do and does it improve a situation? - you only know when the consumer uses and likes it.
3. Real life is hard, when it comes to standing your ground.
For the first I already tested things for years and for the second I also experienced this was functioning. The only thing was how to make a useful message towards the public. How to sell the unseen world?
For me the latest was very difficult in the last two years and for my whole life. I had to overcome culture difference of movement, not being welcome any longer in the city, but also not being welcome in the Landscape, being pregnant and give labor, a body which was changing all the time and could not be 100% unconditional trustworthy, financial struggle because of my bodily lack and some influential people, that didn't like me swimming in the same water, that made me feel afraid to go as a consequence. Being good or sufficient at 1 or 2 is not enough for the world that we live in.
Through the process, I found out that all the outer struggle is about inner processes and to make more room within your own body and energy. The more room you get on the inside, the more you start to realise that it is just a matter of Darwin and that concurrence exists in the world of Darwin, but not in the world of G. I guess a little that the story of the scorpio and being no longer afraid of its defence mechanism was a token, that I am a bit on the right track. You have to not only understand the Darwin, you have to become the Darwin.
Not there yet....but understanding more of the direction.
When you are tough enough for the Darwin, you don't need the advertisement.
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