zondag 11 mei 2014

Incredible Indeed!

Happy Mothers-day!

At this moment, I keep on walking in the Land of God.
Yesterday, after a sort of hefty day with Marvin, as all things started to shift again within the common fields, I got onto a new theme.

Really, during the weekdays, all kind of abnormal things happen.
But during the weekends also all kind of abnormal things happen.

As we visited someone in the hospital, people started to be a little curious about what it was,
what I did (I guess, for a living). This is one of the most normal questions in Holland, just as ordinary
as asking or talking about the weather.

And I find it so impossible to answer this questions straight and directly!
I figure out:
-Am I here to open up and is this process about opening up and then handle the conscious and unconscious reactions?
-Am I here to be silent and hide myself, to stay as much in the comfortzone as possible and pretend I only clean and bake cupcakes? Like I am a mother without children (yet)...

I am not sure yet. Sometimes I open up, if I have had it with the cup-cake talk. But then I feel so exposed! And then all of a sudden the distance between where you are and where the people are is so visible and sensible, that I wonder....

Who is to overcome this un-comfortzone? Do the people need to walk and do I need to draw people in it? Or, do I have to keep on walking, wait another 10 years, until life and the world is more ready, so that people will indeed understand?

I explained a bit, that baking cakes, was only a metaphor for what I am indeed doing. The Godayerie is a collective name of all things that I am doing to share God amongst people. Whether this will be about buying perfume, eating cakes, cleaning houses, produce music, it doesn't matter. It is a sort of labaratory where all is possible and all can be expirimented. God Divides, Comes along.

They liked the 'idea'.

I was not out in the open about God. I said: 'I am spreading energy, let's call it love, in all kinds of forms'. -> people do understand, but maybe this is too general. Maybe I must call it 'New Love'.

But also, sometimes people ask about my name. Where does it come from? To avoid weird situations, I say: 'I come from Korea, but I am Dutch and have Dutch Parents'. But then this ain't a real answer on the question. The real answer is though: 'Godaya comes from the Land of God'.

Do you understand, what would happen, if I would state this, when people are just for fun asking me about cupcakes and stuff? (I don't make cup-cakes -> I make Cho-Godayas, Godayons, Panaras, Sweet Mar-Go's and Little Junipers).

'Then who gave you that name? And where lies the Land of God?'
How to explain 'this', without losing elegance and credibility?
It is indeed 'incredible'.

It sounds like a concept, but what if this whole thing is more than a phantasy?
Am I then not meeting exactly the same impossible impossibility as our J.C. did a long time ago?
This was a little bit the answer on Marvin's question, why I was a little nervous, while answering
the persons in the hospital. I now see, that the inside world is indeed different than the outside world.
But hey, ain't this the adventure and mission, I was born and impatient for?

I trust then on God, that He Will Fix this impossible bridge.
God Says: 'this can only be fixed in time'.
You know God: I finally feel a lot of patience to get this bridge fixed.
Somehow it is also very safe for me to cocoon in No-mansland, in the enormous Desert of God.

Today God has brought a (for me) big group together, to taste the High Tea with G.
What a marvelous day!


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