maandag 7 december 2015

To Godaya XII

Dear Godaya,

Whether you are a Yogi, a Muslim, or a Christian, it doesn't matter to God. Finally we all shall have to let go of it.
I received this morning a text in my mailbox of the Jesuit Frans van der Lugt. He lived 40 years in Syria in the midst of people who had different backgrounds. He created a space of peacefulness and mutual respect:

'Somewhere, in the deepest of your being-human -, where God might perhaps reside -, you feel that in general it is not essential if you are having full or dirty hands, but that you must try to accept, with effort and slowly, that your hands are empty, that you own nothing, that you can and must receive everything over and again and that you can only give when you receive. 
Only with empty hands you can really receive the other person, fill your hands with him, give him space in your arms, call his name and speak his language. Only with empty hands you can really give, and pass on, without the receiver feeling less, or feeling aggressive or having to be submissive'.

Thanks Godaya, that I can publish something every now and then.


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