zondag 31 mei 2015

Godaya Lecture at the 21st of June.

June 21st 14.00-16.00 uur uur: Lecture. 

*A beautiful trip through the books from New Healing to Go-Dao.
*A clear vision on the Land of God.
*Mediation & Arbitrage as an example for new visions.
*Tasting healing water and receiving a bottle (for yourself or another).
*A healing gesture as a closure.
At the lecture location, it is possible to buy other books (when you order this in time). Location: Bergen NH or surrounding Utrecht.
Price: 30,- p.p. including a bottle of healing water.
Reservations: godayame@icloud.com 

woensdag 6 mei 2015

Wish me Luck today

Yesterday I was with Rens.
He told me: 'I am satisfied with you for the first time'.

I understand.

I was giving breast-milk, while stepping in the room.
Did you ever see someone giving breastfeeding, while 'walking'?

Technical necessity.

For the first time, I wasn't satisfied with him.
I mean really and not un-really (drama-queen).

I felt a little sad about this.
I felt a little sad, that after more than ten years,
one is for the first time satisfied with me,
and I figure out, that I am really not with the other.
Why does it take such a long time to get here?

But I left it aside, because there are more important things to do and to consider.
There are plenty more people that need help, instead of pleasing or unpleasing each other.

I guess I am more no-nonsense lately.

I am so curious how I will be, when I am bigger...,
because the sky is the limit.
Let's reach the sky.

That makes me keep on moving.

Wish me luck today, because something really relevant is going on.


P.s.: it says: who is not afraid of mutual development...