I am getting to the point, where I don't believe in God.
I am getting to the point, where I don't believe in the normal world.
The things that are happening are ab-normal indeed.
Both worlds make a statement, but I do not consider them to be truthful.
When Rens says something it is multi-interpretable.
When he says something, you should always ask: what do you mean by that?
Because when you ask option A or B, he always answers in a way,
that afterwards you still wonder: 'Do you mean A or B?'.
Either someone is not clear in the explanation.
Or, there is no truth.
The rules in this world are different.
This is a difficult world. I mean the world, that I am in.
They are abnormal and not of this world.
I am at a point, where I cannot believe any truths.
Did you know that behind every truth, there is another world?
There is no truth.
There is no God.
Or, there is a world behind the truth of God.
And because there is always a deeper world, with extra rules, which are not of this world,
of this truth, or of this God,
There is no truth, there is no God.
There is a slogan of Rens: 'God Is not who you think He is'.
I hear many people repeat this, but not in a deep way.
They use it as a slogan, because they consider the idea to be nice,
or they recognise truth in the slogan, but did not yet experience it.
The slogan of Rens is right.
But the deeper meaning is not yet very much lived.
If you would understand this slogan deeper and correct,
you would understand, that nothing in this world is right,
and that people lie all the time, without even knowing it.
They don't know, that they don't know.
It's okay, there are 6 billion people erring. I guess it's a human disease.
I am one of them.