woensdag 21 januari 2015

Upside Down

Our Son has been born about 12 days ago.
His name is Gylian Giuseppe Fiorenza.
Words of gratitude, to co-create and receive him,
and to be able to help facilitate his future.

I need more time and space to come into my own flow.
Instead of walking in front of my time,
I walk behind the time.

I guess, that these are the first and the last words I write about him.
He exists, but also deserves his own life.
Maybe, I need my own life.

I guess, that birth in general intrigues me, so that it will involve that
what I'll work with.
But first, I wanna live.
Nature is putting everything upside down.


maandag 5 januari 2015

Unleashing God-a-Lini

Don't know how to say this.

I start to understand more about God.

And I start to understand more about me.

It has to do with the process of giving labor.

Every time you go through a cycle of God,
the New Energy has to Un-Leash, like Kundalini,
only it is not really Kundalini.
It is God-a-Lini.

When nothing is happening on your path: nothing is also happening with the God-a-Lini.
That is why I go often on adventure for this and for that.
Within the adventure, I lose track, because I make the adventure more important, than unleashing
the God-a-Lini.

That is when adventure and God-a-Lini don't co-in-cide and I do this, and God Does that.

It is of function, but a different function, it is because of the function of Unleashing the God-a-Lini.

So, f.e. when Rens says: keep on cooking, I keep on cooking, assuming, I am going to be a cook, and who knows, but it is about meeting obstacles, overcoming obstacles, so that the God-a-Lini awakens.

Then every time one meets an obstacle, this is of function, while you kind of think that everything is failing. But it is not: because it is only through the power of life, that the power of life unleashes. It is only through death, that Life Knows of itself, it needs to un-leash and 'do' something.

My insecure self, always at a point of an obstacle, stops for a while: like something is going wrong, while it actually goes right. And then I guess the thinking comes in, and the God-a-Lini goes back to sleep again, until you stopped thinking.

From a romantic birth-ideal: I was only looking funny movies and stuff. And then I was watching adventurous movies. One was enough, the second put something into movement... I didn't understand. Through events all things seemed to be going wrong, but actually: God Came down, Put an Helmet around my head and in the night the God-a-Lini awakened, together with off course the first set of birth contractions.

God Started to Breathe through me quite strongly, stronger than I ever have known before. There was all kind of cold coming out of my mouth. And the Helmet protected me from pain. Maybe this is because of the contractions weren't that strong, maybe because God's Narcosis is the best on this Planet, I am not sure.

So, this was kind of an adventure. It took some hours. And then, I guess my head became in between, or maybe this was a practice. And then the Helmet went off again, my body went slower and ordinary life took over again.

From high up, I was put back into a sort of a sleep, or maybe it is nature taking a rest. And I went back into my cocoon. Re-energizing, I guess. Then I also noticed, how cocooning on one hand is healthy for the balance between yin and yang, and really, there is not any hurry, as there is timelessness.

But then I also noticed: The God-a-Lini also follows your inner drive. I mean, yesterday, I went out on an adventure, walking and working too long for a pregnant lady, being not afraid of life. And it was almost like the baby was telling me: 'Stop, I am here and took a stand', making himself alive.

And then I cocooned again, withdrawing myself from life, and I also saw how this stopped the God-a-Lini from Unleashing. What I am trying to say is: the inner impulse is right, but Life also corresponds with it. When there is no inner impulse, then nothing is happening. You cannot fake an inner impulse, it comes and it goes, I guess. So if the inner impulse is too much 'doing' it is not an impulse any more. It is more or less a sort of neurotic disorder. But when the inner impulse is too little, then God-a-Lini is sleeping and nothing happens in the world of God. Then you can be angry with the world, for not responding, but, the world doesn't respond, because you lack too much of Life.

Most inner impulse must be found by yourself. God Ain't Doing this for you. But sometimes your plan and His Plan coincide, and you get more points. Although we are talking real life, real mystery here, it is still also like a computer game.

I am finding the next step towards awakening the God-a-Lini, while Rens would also say: the Baby Determines, not you. Both are right.

This all is way to private. If God Was not Involved in this story, I wouldn't have written it.


Welcome to the Land of God, available in English and in Dutch, in print (at home) and pdf (on your computer) through www.godaya.me