where to begin?
I just came from Nijmegen.
I was a bit double layered.
It was like at the dentist.
You hate it when you are in.
You love it, when you walk out.
So, what happened.
I walked in, and I got really pissed.
Why? I tell you in another story.
And I walked out, and bumped into a friend of God,
and then I was no longer pissed.
With pissed, I mean, pissig.
But I don't know if it is the correct word.
I was already laughing.
What happened?
Not so much.
I just spent 70,- euros on no answer.
To be honest, the consult was 75,-.
So when you have to visit still, it is 5 euro raised.
Off course I already wrote about this in: Wie renst er mee in het Land van God.
I knew it, but somehow, I already knew I was going to be pissed, so I kind of was lazy
in the understanding.... I am so sorry to be so greedy.
Moreover, God was so very nice, to give 5,- yesterday through a sweet client of me.
When I am typing this, the incence is coming out of my chest again.
God, I Love U.
How can Rens be so unpolite to 'US'.
But then again, Rens is also an 'US', who tells me I am more 'Him'.
So, now I am more 'Him', but I am incomplete, and therefore things won't succeed, still.
So, He, talks to she, who is HE, 50%, not finished yet, and therefore not succeeding.
Then I had like 12 questions.
All questions were not answered.
And the few questions, that were answered,
were exactly answered in the way, that I didn't want to hear.
This is because I don't have to know.
So, as I was pissed, I was first walking to a shop in the neighborhood.
I was almost going to buy a jewel of 5,-, just because I was pissed.
But then, I thought, this is wrong, as this 5,- should have been paid to Rens.
Then I walked to the train.
The train didn't come.
So then again, I went to a sandwich shop, and I bought the sandwich for 5,-,
I just couldn't stand it.
This was at least different than the story in Wie renst er mee in het Land van God,
in the book, I was missing the sandwich, for a consult with no answers.
Okay, why am I pissed?
Because I was actually going to hear, how things must succeed.
Then Rens kind of directed me, like I also somehow riddled in the book,
that I had to find a job.
But I applied for more than 1,5 years for a job.
Then he told me the jobs were too high.
Then I said, I also had tried the lower jobs.
Then he kept on saying, I had to even look for even lower jobs.
Don't understand me wrong here.
It is not that I want to discriminate anyone with higher or lower jobs.
At least that is not my intention.
It has to do with that after 8,5 years of Rens,
I am now 50% Rens,
applying for a lower than a lower job.
I had a multifunctional brains.
Worked 6 years a multifunctional lawyer job.
Multifunctioned 3 years at a school as head of 30 projects.
Was head editor of a Magazine.
And owner of a Yoga School.
I already made peace with that coming out for God would take a while.
I already made peace with that you are not your job. You are not your work.
I already made peace with that it doesn't matter anything if you have money or no money.
I already made peace with that you had to think small.
And now, Rens is telling me, that applying for a cook is too high and I need to
apply for doing the dishes or cleanse kitchens or houses.
So, now I applied for cleansing Artis, just as I applied a few months ago to
work in the Management. Alright. This is the only way to earn more Rens-points,
and bring 50% up.
You know with God, in the end, you have tears in your eyes, because you made
such good friends near the Elephant's shit. Maybe I finally become an animal lover.
I was going to ask Rens about making G-TV, as an inspirational channel for God,
to make my blogs more visual.
But then again: making movies of dishes, mwa.
At this moment I am Godaya, who is 50% Rens, who is applying for lower than the help
of a cook, smelling of incense, while reaping the poop.
Let's move on in the Land of God.