Hi All,
Hope you are doing fine.
Walking on the line between Life and Death, I got into contact with New Healing again. Of course New Healing is always there. It is 'what I am and what I share' with the people. The difference only is, that a few years ago, I was giving it a working name, a concept and a site. And as you do so, people start asking: 'What is New Healing?', 'How can I learn it?', 'How does it help?'. Like you are talking about acupuncture or a new method.
And then you start doing Yoga, call it Godaya Yoga and that people might think: 'O, she stopped New Healing' and is into Yoga now. It on one hand has to do with restlessness. You are so curious about what comes next and you like it so much to express yourself into new ways and forms, that you leave the other form. Or it has to do with non-conceptual thinking. New Healing is just a name to name what takes place in general, all the time. You don't market it. You don't repeat it often. But basically off course I am sharing New Healing. But, because I don't market it consistently and change my web all the time, it doesn't stay with the people. And to be honest, I almost forget it myself.
But last week, I was training the Yoga Group and we were actually in the middle of a New Healing class. Healing channels were opened, so the energy of God could easily flow towards the people and indeed things on the physical, emotional and karmic level were taken away in a way that the people did recognize it. And it had something to do with the orcano. Not only in my life, but also in a greater collective. The themes of life and death (because this is what New Healing is about) came back into everyone's life. And God does the greatest amount of work.
The difference with New Healing, which I wrote about a few years ago and now, is that I was first literally getting New Healing from up above, drew it downwards and then transmitted it horizontally towards the client. Now it goes more directly. I don't have to order my taxi to get it and I don't have to take the bus to bring it. I am the cross roads, I am the route to take.
I lost New Healing out of sight as well, although I did it all the time. But it came back to me through synchronicities in my life, that I started to think about it again. It did have to do with the time that someone in my nearest circle was ill and without any hope, who is now again in the midst of life. Off course because of own willpower and fight against death. But it also works together with the path and the possibility of Vivication from God, the greater natural movement of God working through people, making different walks of life possible, without manipulation of the human will. I now see that as a member of a clan and family you want to help and you almost stand too close in the same story, to be off help to be objective. But New Healing did its work. It only is spread over a very long time, where also personal steps must be taken.
But then, years later, I saw another life/death story in my direct surrounding, also being involved with New Healing. It was not about: 'Now we do New Healing'. It doesn't work like that. There were other stories playing and therefore I felt that the person who was weak, must be helped and I did it. It was not meant to save that story, but it was meant to save another story. So there was a necessity without even a question, and I saw God at work. Now some time later, I wasn't even busy with it. And yesterday I saw the same thing happening. A Life track was wired into another connection and through this new connection, new things became possible. Off course also not without the free will of the person to go and fight for it.
I don't know if I say this correctly. It seems like New Healing is a co-creation of God and Human Being. It is not like God says: leave all up to me and let me heal it. Man must do effort. But God makes it possible, by wiring one impossibility into a new possibility. And as a bringer of New Healing, I am just the wirer, who brings the will of human being together with God's will. And then I totally step out of it. It is even thanks to my stepping out of things, that things will follow and originate. As long as you are obsessed by a certain conclusion or result, it doesn't work. It needs human time, it needs Divine time. It depends on the person involved, how soon or how late something might happen.
Stepping out then is the next conclusion. Just do your thing and step out of the triangle. I once wrote this before. Wire and step. It is almost a new step in 'Body Combat'. Wire and step, thunder and lightening. I stepped out of the triangle of my orginal family to make new life possible and I dived into a new adventure, I just Go, where I have to Go, always stepping out of triangles....
I start to learn and understand so much more about New Healing, but I also understand that the implications are too big to handle now for human beings. It takes more time in human lives to really understand and as soon as this is so, then the original sacrifice is already forgotten. And this is why God acts in silence and you should not make a big fuzz out of it. Off course man thinks, that it is human creation. And it is okay, because this God is not about acknowledgement or reward. He just wants to be healed and therefore heal Earth step by step, by reframing time lines and rewiring possibilities. Whatever...
I still do very much acknowledge the times when man was living close to nature. I do honor the works of Wim Hoff, who brings people back into nature. I do recognize the work of German Geneeskunde, where disease is totally embraced as the first step for healing. I do recognize the wholeness of the Super Yogis in the Himalayas. They all understood bits of how nature works, how duality in life must be transcended, by going through it. They all understood glimpes of God. At the same time God cannot be marketed....He/She just IS.